Orecchiette is the typical pasta from the Puglia region. Literally, "orecchiette" means "little ears" and they certainly do look like little ears. Orecchiette is easily made using only durum wheat and water. The forming of these little ears is the hard part! Often it is served with cime di rapa (broccoli raab) and delicious fruity and slightly spicy olive oil from the region.
Orecchiette di Serragambetta:
100 g Semolina Rimacinata di Grano Duro (remilled Semolina) flour per person
Hot water
1. In a large ceramic bowl, mix well until slightly tacky. Form into a large ball and let rest for 10 minutes, covered with a dry cloth.
2. Cut into small pieces and keep covered (you want the pasta to remain warm and moist)
3. Take one piece and roll into a "snake
4. Using a knife, cut off a small square piece and press knife on one side while stretching towards you. Flip the piece and push over the top of your finger to make the indentation.
5. Sprinkle flour on top and let sit in a single layer until ready to cook.
6. Cook in boiling salted water until floating (2-3 minutes)
7. Toss with steamed broccoli raab and olive oil to taste
8. Enjoy!!!

Here Gina is stretching the small square piece with a knife and then placing in a "pasta box". This box is also where the dough is mixed.
My pasta making team! Together we made enough little ears to feed 22 people that night!
These are the prettiest ones I was able to make!
Orecchiette con cime di rapa ... Orecchiette with broccoli raab ... Delicious!!
On another night, we are this pasta with a simple tomato sauce with basil and garlic.
What a fun pasta! I have never seen it before but you really bring it to life!