Friday, March 30, 2012


(Artichoke plant in Sardenga)

Carciofi (artichokes) are in season here in Sardegna (Sardinia in English). The Sardinian ones are different than the Roman artichokes we are accustomed to seeing on the mainland of Italy or in the US. 

The photo to the right is of an artichoke plant that has just been harvested. Notice the pointy yellow spikes still on the leaves.
 Long stems, lots of leaves ... wild Sardinian artichokes

Sardinian artichokes are more narrow, with long stems (delicious to eat) and pointy yellow spikes that come off the outer leaves. The carciofi from Sardegna are highly sought after (as is much of their agriculture, oil, seafood and cheese) and the window of time to eat them is short ... but lucky for me, it's RIGHT NOW!

 Notice the yellow spikes at the tips of the outer leaves!


Carciofi are eaten in many ways ... in salads, steamed and sauteed, preserved under oil, drizzled with olive oil and salt, etc. Below are a few easy recipes you might enjoy with your carciofi!

Steamed & Sauteed Carciofi
Artichoke hearts with stems, halved
EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil)
White Wine
Garlic (wild garlic is best)
Parsley, finely chopped

1. Remove tough outer leaves until you get to the soft heart.
2. Half artichokes and steam until just tender.
3. Heat pan over medium heat, add oil.
4. When hot, add artichokes, garlic and sautee for a few minutes until perfectly tender.
5. Add a splash of dry white wine (enough to cover the pan 1/4") and let artichokes simmer until liquid reduces by half. 
6. Add parsley, season with salt and serve. 

(Wild Garlic- you primarily eat the stem and the small bulb at the bottom. This variety is still strong in flavor but has a much sweeter side.)

Raw Carciofi with Parmigiano 
Carciofi, thinly sliced
Parmigiano Reggiano Shaved
1. Remove outer leaves of the artichoke and use only the soft heart.
2. Thinly slice heart and drizzle with EVOO, lemon juice and salt.
3. Top with shaved parmigiano cheese and serve as antipasta or with salad

 Buon Appetito!

This particular blog entry is dedicated to my new Dutch friends, Ilia and Anne, who love artichokes!

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